Category: software
Meshtastic build
Right another post time lol Meshtastic build here we go parts list: 1) A raspberry pi (if you using the Linux native stuff otherwise any Lora enabled board supported stuff listed here) I am using a pi 4 for my router build (also an sd card if you are using a pi and not…
ads-b receiver build
well been a while since I made a post or did anything with this site lolLately I’ve been down the plane tracking rabbithole as I mentioned in the last post and built a ads-b tracker system along with a few acars ones ( and today I’m going to write about my setup and give…
Installing esphome on a nodemcu
parts needed: first you need to connect your esp board to your ha server (you can also use the page) and get esphome flashed to the board, you may need to press the boot or en buttons if it gives an error about flashing for this guide I’m using a seperate programmer as I…