Category: automation
DS18B20 Pipe Monitoring
Reently I got curious with how the heating temps are and as it’s a heat pump measuting the pipe temps can in theory be done with a connection into the controller That needs a special device though so i decided that I would make it myself this is the first post documating that project as…
How to add a device to Zigbee2MQTT
Required: 1) Zigbee dongle of some kind (I have the sonoff one though the home assistant one is also good) sonoff dongle: (I got it from amazon years ago now though they have the same one on their site also which is an amazing dongle ) home assistant:2) some kid of machine running…
Installing esphome on a nodemcu
parts needed: first you need to connect your esp board to your ha server (you can also use the page) and get esphome flashed to the board, you may need to press the boot or en buttons if it gives an error about flashing for this guide I’m using a seperate programmer as I…