Category: electronics

  • How to add wifi to the Prusa mini

    How to add wifi to the Prusa mini

    needed: 1) esp01 or esp01s module amazon: (prusa also sells one )aliexpress: (affiliate link)2) 2.5mm allen key 3) prusa mini of course 4) pliers to get the power switch out possibly 5) usb stick (either the one supplied with the prusa mini or another one)6) computer step 1: Turn off the power…

  • Installing esphome on a nodemcu

    Installing esphome on a nodemcu

    parts needed: first you need to connect your esp board to your ha server (you can also use the page) and get esphome flashed to the board, you may need to press the boot or en buttons if it gives an error about flashing for this guide I’m using a seperate programmer as I…